BRIDGE is a European Commission initiative which unites Horizon 2020 and Horizon Europe Smart Grid, Energy Storage, Islands, and Digitalisation Projects to create a structured view of cross-cutting issues which are encountered in the demonstration projects and may constitute an obstacle to innovation. The BRIDGE process fosters continuous knowledge sharing amongst projects thus allowing them to deliver conclusions and recommendations about the future exploitation of the project results, with a single voice, through four different Working Groups representing the main areas of interest: data management, business models, regulations and consumer and citizen engagement. FEDECOM collaborates with BRIDGE initiative to discuss cross-fertilisation and joint activities using synergies, to maximise their impact in common areas, activities, roadmap and network. FEDECOM will cooperate with related H2020 and HE projects, particularly on policy related issues and obstacles to innovation under the BRIDGE initiative.
The goal of HYPERGRYD project is the development of a set of replicable and scalable cost effective technical solutions to allow the integration of Renewable Energy Sources (RES) with different dispatchability and intrinsic variability inside Thermal Grids as well as their link with the Electrical Grids, including the development of innovative key components, in parallel with innovative and integrated ICT services formed by a scalable suite of tools for the proper handling of the increased complexity of the systems from building to Local Energy Community (LEC) levels and beyond, and accelerate the sustainable transformation, planning and modernization of District Heating and Cooling (DHC) towards 4th and 5th generation.

SENERGY NETS aims at demonstrating the technical and economic capability of existing multi-energy systems to decarbonise the heating and cooling, electricity and gas sectors. These multi-energy systems will integrate as much as possible renewable energy sources produced locally and will be structured according to a sector integration approach, focusing also on promising infrastructure and business models.
HESTIA is an EU funded project developing a mix of Technological, Innovative and Social Sciences & Humanities models approaches to improve the management and use of energy by and for residential consumers. HESTIA aims to develop a cost-effective solution for the next-generation demand-side response services by encouraging residential consumers to engage in flexibility sharing and grid balancing. User-personalised services will help lay the foundation for an open marketplace and new grid reality.