FEDECOM is developing the technical and business ecosystem to demonstrate the advantages of energy sector coupling across European energy communities. Integrating the local energy systems across the federation of communities will bring economic benefits, improve grid stability and reliability, as well as reduce the overall carbon footprint.

Our approach
FEDECOM aims to create and validate a solution bridging across technical, social and market impact:

The Consortium
FEDECOM consortium involves 17 European partners from 7 countries. This partnership was assembled around the three large scale project pilots in Spain, Switzerland and Benelux region and involve all relevant stakeholders needed for the design, implementation and evaluation of FEDECOM solution: service providers, grid operators and final consumers.
The expertise and knowledge on energy systems innovation brought by the 6 Universities and Research Centers (Fraunhofer, Tekniker (TEK), Université catholique de Louvain (UCL), SUPSI, Institut Mihajlo Pupin (IMP), Heriot Watt University (HWU)) accompanied with the market vision of the technology providers (Grid Singularity (GSY), iLECO, ENBRO, Hive Power (HPOW)), and the sound experience in the energy market of large industries and local Distribution system operators (DSOs) (Iberdrola, and AEM) and the contribution of the energy service companies (ESCO) (Giroa Veolia (VEO)) as well as the targeted users (Ur Beroa (URB)) represent the strength of the FEDECOM consortium, the results of which will be diffused in Europe by dissemination experts and specialized stakeholders: SME active in innovation management Research to Market Solution (R2M), international NGO (ENERGIES 2050) and business association (Smart Energy Europe (SEN)).