Veolia (VEO)
Partner presentation
GIROA S.A., member of VEOLIA Group, designs, installs, manages and maintains a diversity of HVAC systems in residential, institutional and service buildings. With over 30 years in the market with around and more than 1000100 000 employees in the Northern Spain region, Giroa is the sector and innovation leader.
Role in the project
Project coordinator. Pilot 1 Leader. ESCO & System Operator.
WP1 Leader – including project management, financial, technical, communication and risk management; as well as the quality assurance of deliverables (e.g. reports, software, experimental results, guidelines, etc.). Responsible for innovation management, and delivery of Data Management Plan (DMP).
WP7 Leader – responsible for user (consumer/prosumer) recruitment, pilot planning and deployment of equipment (e.g. RES, storage, control units and monitoring equipment), necessary to demonstrate the proposed optimal control strategies. WP7 also performs a validation of effectiveness of FEDECOM solution, gathers lessons learnt and provides impact assessment. It will evaluate user experience and social acceptance, as well as provide adequate recommendations for future actions.
Pilot 1 Leader
- Integrate renewable energy generation with power-to-X technology.
- Optimise integrated operation of district heating and cooling systems.
- Aggregate and unlock flexibility resources across federated communities.
- Validate advanced control strategies under effective business models.
Fundacion Tekniker (TEK)
Partner presentation
Tekniker is a private non-profit research organisation founded in 1981 with 284 researchers and a turnover of 26.2M€ in 2018. Besides, Tekniker is a part of the BASQUE RESEARCH & TECHNOLOGY ALLIANCE (BRTA, that comprises the technological centres of the Basque Country with the objective of bringing resources together in order to reach greater levels of technological-scientific excellence within the Basque System of Innovation.
The specific mission of Tekniker is to help the industrial sector to increase its innovative capacity by means of generating and applying technology and knowledge in order to be more competitive. Its expertise covers a wide range of technologies allowing them to provide services to a range of sectors from automotive over aeronautics up to assistive technologies and to develop a good variety of products.
Tekniker has filed 222 patents from 80 families (22 of them are exploited patents) and has created 32 start-up companies currently owning shareholders from 5 of them.
Tekniker applies years of knowledge on complex system architecture specification and integration applied for improved energy efficiency, demand response, optimal operation algorithms and energy performance simulation.
Role in the project
Tekniker act as Technical Leader of the project supporting the project coordinator.
In the WP structure Tekniker leads WP2 that sets the baseline for the deployment and integration activities throughout the project. TEK will actively participate in the modelling work and model predictive controllers development in WP4, will provide the data model for semantic interoperability in WP5 and support the pilot site planning activities in WP7.

Université Catholique de Louvain (UCLouvain)
Partner presentation
UCLouvain provides extensive knowledge on techno-economic and environmental impact assessment through the entire lifecycle of both small and large-scale RES projects, applied at local and regional (national) scale.
Role in the project
UCLouvain will lead the work package about system modelling. Their expertise in several models (from country scale to small system) and ‘whole-energy’ approach will allow to investigate several scenarios for future investments.
In partnership with FHG, the model are going to be adapted for the pilots. TEK and GSY will support to collect and process the site information into useful input data for the models. The tailored models will be used to assess different scenarios while checking the feasibility in term of hourly-dispatch. Several indicators will be implemented (cost, greenhouse gases, material used, …) in order to provide additional levers to the decision makers. Finally, to not get lost among the information and the different indicators, a multi-criteria decision algorithm will be developed in partnership with IMP. The result will be a user-friendly tool to navigate among the different solutions. The rest of the partners involved in this work package will support in the data collection, or more at a reviewer position: challenge the methodologies and relevancy of results.
Partner presentation
The Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems ISE, founded in 1981 in Freiburg (Germany), is the largest solar energy research institute in Europe. Our goal is to contribute with our research to preserving our planet and protecting the basis of existence for current and future generations.
We promote a sustainable, economical, safe, and socially just renewable-based energy supply system. This goal is reflected in our research focusing on energy efficiency, sustainable energy supply, energy distribution and energy storage.
In the field of battery technologies, we work with novel materials, develop innovative production processes for battery cells, and pursue new approaches for battery systems. We optimize procedures to determine the battery state of charge and health and predict the battery lifetime. We also work on the modelling and simulation of batteries, optimized charging and operating control strategies, and battery system prototypes for widely varying application areas.
Role in the project
Fraunhofer leads the (i) development of the sector coupling demo scenarios, (ii) cross-vector modelling of the energy dispatch network, and (iii) field-level system interfacing and communication protocol. Fraunhofer also plays a vital role in the energy asset and system-level modelling and simulation.

Iberdrola (IBE)
Partner presentation
With a history of over 170 years, today IBERDROLA is a global energy leader, the number-one producer of wind power and one of the world’s biggest electricity utilities by market capitalisation. The group supplies energy to almost 100 million people, has more than 600,000 shareholders, a workforce comprising more than 35,000 employees and assets worth more than 122€ billion.
IBERDROLA is leading the transition towards a sustainable energy model through investments in renewable energy, smart grids, large-scale energy storage and digital transformation, offering the most advanced products and services to its customers. Moreover, Iberdrola group is present today in several countries and geographical areas, in which it is the leading energy utility and a benchmark, thanks to its sustainable energy model.
In the H2 production field, IBERDROLA, in its mission to lead the energy transition, is spearheading the development of green H2 with over 60 projects in eight countries (Spain, the United Kingdom, Brazil, the United States, among others) to meet the demand for electrification and decarbonisation in sectors such as industry and heavy transport, with a portfolio that will require investments of more than €9 billion by 2030 to produce 350,000 tonnes per year (€3 billion in hydrogen and €6 billion in associated renewable). The company has created a new green H2 business unit with the aim of becoming the leader in this technology. The group is addressing the technological challenge of producing and supplying green H2 from clean energy sources, powering the electrolytic process with 100% renewable electricity. The green H2 is a new growth opportunity for IBERDROLA.
In the year 2022, Iberdrola already has two operating hydrogen facilities (a 20 MW one for industrial applications in Puertollano and a 2.5 MW one for mobility applications in Barcelona).
Role in the project
Iberdrola is involved in Pilot 1 with two green hydrogen facilities. The first one is a 20 MW of electrolyser facility to be supplied to a fertilizer company in order to produce green ammonia and after green fertilizers.
The second one is a hydrogen refuelling station with an electrolyser of 2.5 MW with the possibility to scale up to 5 MW and with the capability to supply green hydrogen up to 60 buses.
With FEDECOM development, an integrated optimization system will be developed. Two optimisation levels are considered in this project. The first level regarding facility operation in order to reduce the electricity consumption and the equipment’s degradation. The second level regarding the different parameters that can affect the facility operation like renewables energies forecast, electricity grid price forecast, grid services, hydrogen storage levels, etc.
Partner presentation
R2M is an integrated and multi-disciplinary entrepreneurial innovation company that aggressively targets filling the gap between research activities and market implementation across the fields of Innovation, Engineering, Energy Services & Sustainability, and ICT/Automation.
As part of its business model, R2M helps organizations and projects plan and execute the use of funding for research on a comprehensive development strategy: from idea to market. In doing so, R2M provides leadership, links with high performance exploitation oriented networks, and leverages public and private funding instruments.
Role in the project
R2M will serve as Project Manager of FEDECOM, leading the correct development of the project.
R2M will also serve as Innovation Manager leading the exploitation and uptake activities of FEDECOM. Finally, on the technical side, R2M will also contribute by bringing the building models for optimized Model Predictive Control (MPC) algorithms and support the collaboration with the BRIDGE initiative.
Grid Singularity GMBH (GSY)
Partner presentation
Grid Singularity is an awarded, open-source energy technology innovator, placing the individual and the environment at the centre of the energy market by developing the energy exchange to simulate and operate peer-to-peer, grid-aware energy marketplaces, including energy communities (, and co-founding Energy Web (
Grid Singularity has been created by a team of experienced energy market and policy professionals, in partnership with leading blockchain technology developers who are principal founders of Ethereum and Polkadot.
Role in the project
Grid Singularity is a FEDECOM technology project partner. In the framework of this project its main role will be to develop a blockchain-based decentralised marketplace, building upon its software solution, Grid Singularity Exchange (backend under open-source GPL v.3 licence) as part of task WP6.1.GSY is leading.
GSY will collaborate with other partners to ensure interoperability with other WP6 modules, including the analytics and execution engine, user client and the payment solution. GSY will also actively participate in demonstration projects to test the developed solution. Finally, GSY will support several other project tasks with a minor role, providing input or document review.
Institute “Mihajlo Pupin" (IMP)
Partner presentation
Institute “Mihajlo Pupin” is the leading Serbian R&D institution in information and communication technologies (ICT), as well as the biggest and the oldest ICT institute in South-eastern Europe.
Ever since it was founded in 1946, Institute has been engaged in contract research and application-orientated research on behalf of key utility and transportation companies, government, and various vertical industry sectors. Institute “Mihajlo Pupin” provides a wide range of products and services in the high-tech field in applied research, design, development, manufacturing, testing and implementation of professional equipment and systems intended for a wide range of business partners, primarily public utilities companies of the national significance. We are constantly in a search for new developments that could be implemented as marketable products.
Our mission is to provide to our clients rapid, cost-effective and immediately applicable solutions to their technical and organizational problems and enable them to perform efficiently in technologically advanced, profitable and supportive work environment.
Role in the project
Backed by various experiences from previous H2020 and other ongoing Horizon Europe projects related to the energy domain, IMP will be playing a key role in FEDECOM platform design, system integration, ensuring interoperability and service deployment as well as leading the development of the integrated optimization approach for hybrid energy infrastructures. Also, IMP will collaborate with consortium partners in developing multi-criteria assessment tools and energy forecasting services.
Partner presentation
Discover the future of energy management with ILECO (Aug-e). Our AI-based big data community platform uses self-learning algorithms to turn data into smart and personalized predictions, creating a foundation for a wide range of sustainable and innovative energy solutions.
With Aug·e, you can live SMARTER, GREENER, MORE COMFORTABLY, and MORE CHEAPLY. We already control over 5,000 smart buildings and thousands of charging stations, smart batteries, and other devices. But our ambition doesn’t stop there, by 2027, our platform will empower 1.5 million people to live smarter, greener, and more energy-efficient lives effortlessly, that is the equivalent of one full-scale gas-fired power plant. Aug-e change the way we think about energy management.”
Role in the project
Pilot 3 Leader – ESCo & system integrator – WP6 Leader
ILECO is a FEDECOM technology project partner providing energy services across both Benelux and the Netherlands.
FEDECOM will leverage ILECO’s Community Platform following a Layered Energy System (LES) model.
In the framework of this project its main role will be to deliver the blockchain-based model for intra-community energy, asset and flexibilities services management through local trading, support development of MPC control algorithms, Guarantees of Origin traceability and user interfaces, in addition to acting as a demo site service provider.

Partner presentation
Role in the project
Smart Energy Europe (SEN)
Partner presentation
smartEn is the European business association for digital and decentralised energy solutions. Our members include innovators in services and technology for energy and data management, finance and research. By taking an integrated perspective on the interaction of demand and supply, our mission is to promote system efficiency, encourage innovation and diversity, empower energy consumers and drive the decarbonisation of the energy sector.
Role in the project
SmartEn performs an analysis of operational and regulatory barrier faced in setting up Energy Communities and different energy exchange with a focus drawn on sector-coupling and peer-to-peer trading.
SmartEn is also involve in the coordination of policy issues under the BRIDGE initiative. The BRIDGE initiative is a cooperation platform between H2020 platform to exchange on regulatory barrier faced and market designs proposed by Energy Communities projects throughout Europe.
Partner presentation
For more than 12 years as an NGO and 20 years as an international network, ENERGIES 2050 has been committed at the international level to the fight against climate change and for the implementation of a shared and sustainable development for a more united society.
ENERGIES 2050 brings together members and partners of more than 70 countries and implements innovative, demonstrative and replicable projects in as many countries. The association and its network support international institutions, national governments, and local governments as well as multi-stakeholder coalitions in the development and implementation of strategies, programs of actions and projects. Our pillars of activities are: Mitigation, Adaptation, Resilience, Governance, Climate finance, Research and Evaluation
ENERGIES 2050 intervenes according to a systemic, multi-level and inclusive approach. The association also writes methodological guides and develops and implements capacity building programs. This complementarity of actions between the different international-national and local levels makes it possible to articulate responses as close as possible to the needs.
ENERGIES 2050 is also involved in major international agendas: Observer for the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), special consultative status for the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations (ECOSOC)… and in several international initiatives: UCLG Africa Climate Task Force, ART’s PLANET, ethiCarbon®, Universal Declaration of Human Rights (DDHu), Francophonie Initiative for Sustainable Cities, Global Alliance for Buildings and Construction (Global ABC)…
Role in the project
ENERGIES 2050 will support the co-creation and design of FEDECOM solutions, by providing the user (consumer) perspective throughout the project.
ENE will contribute also to dissemination and communication activities and among others is leading Task 8.1 Roadmap for dissemination and communication activities contributing to raise awareness and establish a vibrant community of stakeholders. The communication activities will comprise a phase of awareness (web site, social media, brochures, press releases, poster, articles), a phase dedicated to create user groups and trigger the energy domain community and, finally, a phase to secure FEDECOM results to be widely known to stakeholders including public authorities.
Partner presentation
Role in the project
Azienda Elettrica di Massagno (AEM)
Partner presentation
Azienda Elettrica di Massagno (AEM) SA, founded in 1925, is a Swiss electric utility that produces power in its own hydroelectric and photovoltaic plants, operates the medium- and low-voltage grid and supplies electricity to 10.000 end-users in the southern part of Switzerland.
AEM is the company of the territory, for the territory, combining innovation and tradition. Innovation in that it experiments, in cooperation with universities and technology producers, with digital solutions that anticipate the electricity market of the future, making users participate in its benefits. Tradition, because it remains a company focused on the service and in close contact with local users and institutions.
Since 2017, AEM has made significant investments to cover 100% of the overall district with smart meters for the remote reading of its customers’ electricity consumption. AEM is committed to introducing pragmatic instruments to address the new market framework, upgrading its distribution activities into a “smart grid”, and clustering its customers into self-sustaining consumption communities.
Role in the project
AEM is involved in Pilot 2 activities by providing its energy communities. The pilot federation will leverage the existing smart metering infrastructure, which is deployed and operative in the AEM’s grid.
Moreover, as a local DSO and energy retailer it will provide support in the activities for the design and the implementation of the FEDECOM platform providing access to the grid data.
Hive Power SAGL (HPOW)
Partner presentation
Founded in 2017 in Switzerland, Hive Power is a leading provider of innovative solutions for smart grids. We are a team of researchers and scientists with deep expertise in smart grids, data science, and optimisation.
We share a long experience in research and pilot projects on decentralised energy management.
We believe that our distribution grids and smart energy suppliers will manage the flexible assets, such as EVs, and energy communities with novel business models, supported by smart algorithms.
We are implementing innovative techniques and business models to reach the customer-centric energy future – Decarbonisation, Digitalisation, Decentralisation, and Democratisation.
Through FLEXO our data-driven AI engine, we allow tp manage and optimise anything connected to the grid, from Energy Communities to EV Charging.
Role in the project
Hive Power will be a key technical contributor to the FEDECOM project, bringing expertise on grid-data analytics, including grid modelling, optimal power flow algorithms, and grid flexibility assessment.
Hive will use machine learning techniques to extract useful information from smart meters and provide estimated distribution grid state. The company will also provide intuitive user-specific graphical interfaces for visualizing relevant operation and performance data. In addition, Hive will lead WP4, which focuses on integrative optimization and data analytics for multi-layered federated “Systems of Systems”.

Scuola Universitaria Professionale Della Svizzera Italiana (SUPSI)
Partner presentation
SUPSI is the University of Applied Science of Southern Switzerland. SUPSI offers more than 30 Bachelor’s Degree and Master’s Degree courses in various areas of Engineerings and Arts, characterized by cutting edge education which unites classical theoretical-scientific instruction with a professional orientation.
SUPSI takes part in the FEDECOM project with the ISAAC institute.
ISAAC is the Institute for Applied Sustainability to the Built Environment, which is active in research on renewable energies, the rational use of energy, the refurbishment and maintenance of buildings and also energy planning at the regional and local levels.
Role in the project
SUPSI is key scientific contributor to the project. It will lead power flow optimization and grid flexibility analysis in WP4, and smart DR settlement and remuneration module in WP6, which will be tested mainly in the Swiss pilot. SUPSI is responsible for delivering the performance verification service and remuneration procedure, which includes the report and implementation of performance M&V service and remuneration (software) module using “smart contracts”.
Heriot-Watt University (HWU)
Partner presentation
Role in the project