FEDECOM implementation revolves around
three large-scale pilots:
Spain, Switzerland and the Benelux region
each represented by a federation of energy communities. These pilot sites represent diverse geographical and climatic areas, with different local energy systems and grid coupling possibilities, in the residential, commercial, tertiary and industrial sectors, including green hydrogen production, electric and hydrogen mobility. The pilots offer an optimal opportunity for experimentation. Each of them is already well advanced in terms of monitoring and energy infrastructure and will be enhanced over the course of the project to meet the demonstration needs.
Virtual Green H2 Federation
The pilot aggregates three mixed residential, tertiary and industrial sites in Spain, which include diverse electric, thermal and hydrogen generation and distribution systems:

Product Quality Index
Energy Generation
Hear the latest updates from the Pilot Leaders
Residential Hydropower Federation
The Swiss pilot site consists of 3 energy communities located mainly in residential suburban areas, about 6 kms from Lugano.
“Lugaggia Innovation Community” was implemented in 2018 to optimise the use of local solar energy in the district of Lugaggia. The community, which hosts about 75 residents, consists of 18 single-family houses and a kindergarten. Local production is based on PV generation backed by a district battery to store the energy produced for the night hours. For flexibility purposes a considerable number of heat pumps and electric boilers is present.
“Arena Innovation Community” consists of 105 residents spread over 11 buildings, a public swimming pool, and a football field. Three large photovoltaic systems are used to generate local renewable energy. In addition, the community has a district heating service based on a biomass plant and a V2G EV charging station to provide car sharing service.
“Garamè District” is a community that planned to bundle 7 single-family houses with 25 residents, which generate a large surplus of PV energy during summer. The idea behind the community is to create a seasonal storage leveraging the nearby hydroelectric power plant as a virtual storage facility to store energy during summer and use it during winter.

Product Quality Index
Energy Generation
Hear the latest updates from the Pilot Leader
Benelux / Netherlands
e-Mobility Federation
The objective of this pilot 3 is to enable energy and flexibility sharing across communities. A business model will be described in order to incentivize the participants to collaborate their energy and consumption. For this we will maximize exploitation of local RES assets (solar) and storage in batteries but also in e-mobility systems. Flexibility in production (batteries) and in consumption (e-mobility, batteries, heating) will be an important vector in this pilot project. Any surplus in energy will be shared across sites and community members and the grid leveraging a multi-stakeholder interaction at open marketplace energy/flexibility trading. Finally, this pilot site will demonstrate the cross-country interactions showing the positive impact it can bring. The 3 locations are: Brussels Brico Retail Community in Brussels suburb (Belgium); Voorhout Village (Netherlands) and Besix HQ & Eemnes Community in Dordrecht (Netherlands)

Product Quality Index
Energy Generation